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分享 How To Build A CCIE Rack
2012-8-10 20:35
How To Build A CCIE Rack
What sets the CCIE certification so far apart from the numerous other certifications available in the IT industry? A grueling 8-hour practical lab exam that takes countless hours of book study, real world experience, and hands on configuration experience to pass, of course! While many engineers ha ...
700 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 the configuration of ACL about Quidway
2012-8-10 01:32
for example: —————————————————————————————————————————————— acl number 3000 rule 5 permit ip source destination rule 0 deny ip source destination 255 ...
个人分类: tech|436 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ASA "Booting system ,please wait"
2012-8-10 01:24
the error was found on RAM...... 已同步至 lin0131的微博
个人分类: tech|409 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 思科CCIE IOU机架
2012-8-5 10:42
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/SykPgjT3asI/ 已同步至 lin0131的微博
382 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Reset Red Hat password
2012-8-2 11:27
Reset Red Hat password
Resetting forgotten root password on Centos/Red Hat If you are desperate because you have forgotten root password, don’t be. This tutorial will show you how to reset root. Boot the system and when you see the following screen, press any key At the following screen, press e It will take ...
个人分类: tech|420 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 【Ubuntu】the wired diable?
2011-10-29 10:32
1. Problem: After updating Fedora 15 (32 bit) the Network Manager stopped working (NetworkManager version 0.8.999-3.git20110526.fc15). When I installed the latest **s for F15 I rebooted my machine and noticed that the Network Manager didn't work anymore. There was some red mark on the ic ...
个人分类: tech|767 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
分享 SPOTO以来的两个月
2011-10-8 23:01
昨天回想了一下我来SPOTO的时间,也才短短的两个月。巨大的转变在不知不觉中产生。 两个月前我一直处于着浑浑噩噩的状态,大学的作用也仅仅只在于那一纸文凭,过着颓废的生活。骡子貌似也劝了我许多次,当时的我也不怎么在乎。直到大三下,专业课再次的牺牲 ...
个人分类: SPOTO|497 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 5
分享 英文版win7中安装中文软件出现乱码的解决办法
2011-10-2 21:01
这几天纠结的把纯英文的WIN7装了上去,发现装的中文软件好多乱码 去百度了,终于把这个问题解决了。 出现乱码,主要是因为英文版的系统,自动会把中文划分为不可识别的字符, 所以才会出现乱码。 这时候我们只需要更改一下系统中输入设置改为中文就可以了 首先打开控制面板 点击语言栏中的任意一个 然后点击Adm ...
617 次阅读|0 个评论

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