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【Ubuntu】the wired diable?

热度 1已有 767 次阅读2011-10-29 10:32 |个人分类:tech| wired, disable, ubuntu, VPN

1. Problem:
After updating Fedora 15 (32 bit) the Network Manager stopped working (NetworkManager version 0.8.999-3.git20110526.fc15).

When I installed the latest **s for F15
 I rebooted my machine and noticed that the Network Manager didn't work anymore.
There was some red mark on the icon and when I clicked it,
the only thing in the list was 'Network Settings'.
When I tried to open the 'Network Settings'
an error message showed up: 'The system network services are not compatible with this version'.

After some research I found out that there were some problems during the startup of the Network Managers.
It seemed as some files could not be loaded.
Because the error message told me there were services not compatible with this version
I took a look at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.
The Network Manager stores the special connections in this folder.
 After taking the steps below my Network Manager was back! :)

2. Solution:

2.1. Remove the 'corrupt' files

First open Terminal and log in as root.
# sudo su
After that go the correct folder.
# cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
Now take a look at the content of this folder. If you had a VPN connection e.g. there must be a file with the name of that connection.
# ls -la
Now you can remove that file or you can move it to another folder (so you can set it back if this solution does not work for your problem).
To move the file to your personal folder use the following command:
# mv <filename> /home/<username>/
Now the only thing left is starting the Network Manager:
# NetworkManager
After these steps the Network Manager should start up again and connect to your network.

2.2. Configure internet connection

After these steps I was able to connect to my router but I had no internet connection. To resolve this problem, start your Terminal and execute:
# nm-connection-editor
Go to wireless and edit your wireless connection. Go to IPv6 Settings and make sure 'Method' is 'Ignore'.
After that restart Network Manager.
# sudo NetworkManager
Now you should be back online.

2.3. Setup new VPN connection
In my case there was a problem with the VPN-files.
When my Network Manager was running again I tried to make a new VPN connection but I got the same problems.
So if you need VPN connection I propose to use VPNC as an alternative for Network Manager.
# yum install vpnc
More information about vnpc: http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/
If you want more information about using configuration files, take a look at "2. Configuration And Connection": http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-connect-to-a-cisco-vpn-using-vpnc
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发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 Daisy 2011-10-29 21:26
回复 lin0131 2011-10-29 21:45
Daisy: 看不懂丫
我也看不懂~~   不过知道命令在哪里就可以了  哈哈~~


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