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发表于 2005-8-22 10:44:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从2006年1月1日起CCIE路由和交换实验考试中将会增加Cisco 3825集成多业务路由器( 简称:3825ISR ),并将最终取代2600和3600系列路由器。
除了设备的更替外,CCIE路由和交换实验考试的Cisco IOS版本也做了相应的调整:
2600和3600系列路由器使用IOS 12.3
3700和3800系列路由器使用IOS 12.3
3550系列交换机使用IOS 12.2.
Cisco 3825集成多业务路由器简介:Cisco 3800 系列于2004年10月面世,支持最低版本是 Cisco IOS 12.3(11)T
英文版:Cisco CCIE **s Lab Exam Equipment and IOS
16 AUG 2005: Effective January 1, 2006 all CCIE Routing and Switching lab locations will begin introducing the Cisco 3825 Integrated Services Router into the exam racks. These routers support Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces and will eventually replace the Series 2600 and Series 3600 models. Along with the router change, the CCIE R&S lab will be upgrading the IOS to 12.3 mainline (for the Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series Routers), 12.4 mainline (for Cisco 3700 and 3800 Series Routers) and 12.2 for Cisco Catalyst 3550 switches.
All CCIE R&S candidates taking exams January 1, 2006 or later should be familiar with the **d IOS and equipment, although the installations to replace the routers will take place over several weeks and it is possible some candidates may not see the new equipment in their exams.
[此帖子已被 andersen 在 2005-8-22 10:53:40 编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-26 16:49:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-8-16 20:18:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-8-17 23:18:05 | 显示全部楼层
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