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[讨论/求助] 9.1的1000分完整战报、经验以及解说(转帖)

发表于 2004-8-16 06:55:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9.1的1000分完整战报、经验以及解说(强烈推荐看!!)<br><br>我是9.1去考试中心考试的一次性满分通过。下面的文章分“考试全过程”和“试题回忆”两部分,新手从头看起。老手看需要部分。可以发表意见,但是不要扁我,我最讨厌人家扁我了。 :)<br>========考试全过程=============================================================<br><br>1,        先去考试中心去注册,带着前和有关证件;<br>2,        然后定好考试日期;<br>3,        回来安心复习。这个时候你应该已经具有了相当的水平才好。觉得自己不能考“一定”要提前3到7天(这个时间你应该问问,免得有变化)去考试中心推迟考期。也就是说你应该提前考试前好几天已经行了才好。<br>我的考试过程:注册,备考,考试,通过。<br>复习  我这人喜欢先搞基础,做题之前一定要把书看个几遍弄到懂了才肯做题。(其实,后来证明我应该看书做题两结合。)所以直到考试前两天我才开始看Testking20,那么多题看了我将近两天,真是晕啊。考试前一天还在看,晚上一下看到凌晨3点多才睡觉,睡了又睡不着。第二天7点我就起床了。然后就去了考试中心。(我精力很好的,睡一会就够了,考试回来一样还是没有睡午觉。一般说来大多数人还是应该好好休息好,免得发挥不好)没有带书,只带了自己的一点点笔记,路上翻了翻。到那里顺便还看了看最近的战报。很快就上场了。<br>考试  因为是第一次考试很紧张,而且还进不去,只好叫来了考场管理员给弄好。考试开始是个个人水平等的调查,我是基本都是选的bening level。不知道会不会和考试题难易程度有一定关系。提醒一点的是有个你不能外传考试题目之类的那一项你一定要I agree.否则你的成绩也许会没有作废。我看着看着就烦了干脆只要是选同意不同意都同意,我还怕它。正式的考试我很小心,任何一个题不敢轻心,一定要看两遍才动手,这事《甘十九妹》中早就说过了:搏虎全力搏兔也全力。在30道左右的时候出现第一个实验,字小得象砸扁的蚂蚁。不知道是不是我运气不是很好,我遇到的几乎全是多选题,方法很简单正着选一遍再排除法选一遍。这过程一直到结束。等它出成绩,谁知道后面居然还有一个调查,我还以为考试白考了呢。赶紧叫来了管理员。管理员出去,这个时候我听到他们在说不会吧满分这么牛。心中暗喜,不喜也不可能啊是不是?——那时侯考场就我自己,我旁边那个考NP的早就走了。出来确定真是我,那简直开心死了。<br>    考试技巧 选项中有一些是不相干的,不是。有无效或者说错误的命令是来干扰你的,不是。它们可以帮助选定最后答案和验证 绝对会的一定不要狂喜,也许你看错了一个单词,其实你选反了,更不要会做但是误选错了。最大的技巧就是你没有技巧,你真的会,那绝对是没有问题的。其实英语也用不到多好,我看有个高中水平就够了,看看原版书,专业词语毕竟不多,看长了就是想忘也忘不了。<br>TK20的覆盖率真的很高,应该认真看,不要象我,TK20只匆匆看了一遍,好多题目看着眼熟,但是选项还是要自己推敲推敲。<br>注意:看题目时候不要背顺序,至少你也得知道被选的大概是什么意思,顺序有的不换但是有的绝对会换的。注意一些细节性的问题,比如是access-list 不是access list,是cppy run start 不是copy ran start,这样你会少错一点。以下都是我对照TK20以及一些别的资料回忆的。<br>我觉得我能过NA应该感谢三个人:一个是;李挺老师,是他把我带到了“网络”这座大门的门口;一个是郭宁老师,他是我的“教练”,他把我带进了“网络”这个门。他的课讲的非常好,他在实验和理论方面给予我耐心而细致的指导,我的通过绝对和他的悉心指教密切相关的。一个人是我自己,因为我在学习过程中教会了自己“凡事都要努力,懒惰者必败”。<br>建议   也许你应该给自己找个同道做伴侣,这样你不孤独也进步很快。有很多网友帮助过我,我心中都一一记得。也谢谢你们。<br>考试范围  虽然瑞通的培训教材已经跟着形势做了最新的升级,但是,我觉得近来的考试似乎还是过去的内容,IPX不考,而新近加进来的Switch2950的配置、Eigrp、ospf、NAT以及各章新加的一些内容暂时都没有出现在考试中,可以在复习中不复习他们,除非你的时间充足。当然你越是靠近后面考试,最好要看一下,并且跟踪最新的报道。也说不定CISCO会忽然变题,毕竟不是我出题,那时你找我也没有用。<br>考试资料  书 + TK20 + 最新的战报,就足够了。好多人喜欢做BOSON,我倒是觉得无所谓,我就做了一套,后开我询问了我的“教练”,他说BOSON上的覆盖率并不是很高,所以我就没有再做,现在看来也是正确的抉择。其余的一些资料我也收集很多,但是都没有看。<br>=========考试真题=============================================================<br>1,QUESTION NO: 2&#40;好象考到&#41;<br>Frame Tagging is used to interconnect multiple switches and to maintain VLAN information as traffic<br>goes between switches. Which of the following statements about the Frame Tagging are true? &#40;Choose<br>two&#41;<br>A. A Filtering table is developed for each switch.<br>B. Frame Tagging defines a unique user defined ID to each frame.<br>C. A unique identifier is placed in the header of each frame as it is forwarding between switches.<br>D. Frame Tagging is technique that examines particular information about each frame based on userdefined<br>offsets.<br>Answer: B, C.<br>2,QUESTION NO: 4(考到)<br>The IP address is a class B address. What is the range of binary values for the first octet in<br>this address class?<br>A. 10000000-11111111<br>B. 00000000-10111111<br>C. 10000000-10111111<br>D. 10000000-11011111<br>E. 11000000-11101111<br>Answer: C<br>3,QUESTION NO: 5(我考到的是不面向连接的服务的优点,建议将面向连接和非面向连接的服务的优点缺点归纳一下。考试一般考到的是面向连接的服务优点是:可靠Reliable +握手Handshaking;缺点:增加负载overhead+——。非面向连接的服务:优点:快速、不可靠Non-reliable +带宽浪费少Less bandwidth-intensive;缺点:不可靠+见下文21题。相同的选项有时候会问这个有时候正好相反,不要主观臆断啊。(见QUESTION NO: 99)<br>QUESTION NO: 51<br>Which of the following are true about connection-oriented network servers? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. Non-reliable<br>B. Reliable<br>C. Less bandwidth-intensive<br>D. Handshaking<br>Answer: B, D<br><br>TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. An advantage of operating in a connection-oriented environment<br>is that a connection is established between both ends before the transfer of information can begin. What<br>is a disadvantage of using a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP?<br>A. Packet acknowledgement may add overhead.<br>B. Packets are not tagged with sequence numbers.<br>C. Loss or duplication of data packets is more likely to occur.<br>D. The application layer must assume responsibility for correct sequencing of the data packets.<br>Answer: A.<br><br><br><br><br><br>4,交换机中无错&#40;error free&#41;的传输方式是那一种:store and forward.<br>5, QUESTION NO: 7<br>Which of the following are Application layer protocols that use TCP/IP? &#40;Choose three.&#41;<br>A. ARP<br>B. HTTP<br>C. SMTP<br>D. FTP<br>E. ICMP<br>Answer: B, C, D<br>6, QUESTION NO: 11&#40;这个记不得考了没有了,似乎有&#41;<br>Spanning-Tree was originally developed by DEC. What is the reason Spanning-Tree is used in a switched LAN?<br>A. To provide a mechanism for network monitoring in switched environments.<br>B. To prevent routing loops in networks with redundant paths.<br>C. To prevent routing switching loops in networks with redundant switched paths.<br>D. To manage, the addition, deletion, and naming of VLANs across multiple switches.<br>E. To segment a network into multiple collision domains.<br>Answer: B.<br>7,QUESTION NO: 12<br>Switches have three primary modes to handle frame switching. Which two statements about the store<br>and forward switching method are true? &#40;Choose two&#41;<br>A. Latency remains constant regardless of frame size.<br>B. Latency through the switch varies with frame length.<br>C. The switch receives the complete frame before beginning to forward it.<br>D. The switch checks the destination address as soon as it receives the header and begins forwarding the<br>frame immediately.<br>Answer B, C.<br>8,QUESTION NO: 14<br>Which layer of the OSI model ensures reliable end-to-end delivery of data?<br>A. Application<br>B. Presentation<br>C. Session<br>D. Transport<br>E. Network<br>Answer: D<br>9,QUESTION NO: 19<br>What are good reasons for using layer two switches? &#40;Choose two&#41;(考试中说的是ethernet switch)<br>A. To reduce collisions.<br>B. To increase collisions.<br>C. To increase the number of collision domains.<br>D. To decrease the number of collision domains.<br>E. To decrease the number of broadcast domains.<br>Answer: A, C.<br>注意:关于collisions、collision domains、broadcast、broadcast domains、broadcast size、<br>collision size是一定要区分的几个概念。这个是必考的题。你要记得交换机增加collision domains减少collision size不改变broadcast domains的number;路由器增加the number of broadcast domains减少broadcast size但是不改变the number of collision domains。(比如QUESTION NO: 40、QUESTION NO: 98)<br>10,QUESTION NO: 20<br>Full-duplex gives you the ability to send and receive data at the same time. Which of the following<br>Ethernet standards can operate in full-duplex mode? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. 10Base2<br>B. 10Base5<br>C. 10BaseT<br>D. 100BaseT<br>11,QUESTION NO: 21(似乎考到了,记不清楚了)<br>Which of the following devices support Full Duplex Ethernet ? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. Switch to host.<br>B. Switch to switch.<br>C. Hub to hub.<br>D. Switch to hub.<br>E. Hub to host.<br>Answer: A, B<br>12,QUESTION NO: 24(似乎考到了)<br>If you take a dotted-decimal class A IP address such as and convert the first octet to binary.<br>Which of the following is the correct bit pattern for the first octet?<br>A. 0xxxxxxx<br>B. 10xxxxxx<br>C. 110xxxxx<br>D. 1110xxxx<br>E. 11110xxx<br>Answer: A<br>13,QUESTION NO: 27(这个类型考了,真题是记不得是不是这个数值了)<br>What is the network address for a host with the IP address<br>A.<br>B. 1231.200.8.32<br>C.<br>D.<br>E.<br>F.<br>Answer: C<br>注意:我考试中算子网掩码的大概有十到,其中有两道是10.X.X.X和上题中这种A、B类地址的子网划分的问题。从考试和以后工作的角度讲你都要会,而且要算的很快。反正我都能口算,要考的练习练习了!!<br>14,QUESTION NO: 36<br>Access-list 122 permit ip any<br>You apply the access-list above. Which is the effect?<br>A. Permit all packets matching the first three octets of the source address to all destinations.<br>B. Permit all packets matching the last of the destination address and accept all source address.<br>C. Permit all packets from the third subnet of the network address to all destinations.<br>D. Permit all packets matching the host bits in the source address to all destinations.<br>E. Permit all packets to destination matching the first three octets in the destination address.<br>Answer: A<br>15,QUESTION NO: 39<br>Your company has purchased some Cisco routers from an online auction. You need to make a backup<br>copy of the IOS and store it on a TFTP server. Which of the following should be done prior to copying<br>the IOS image to a TFTP server? &#40;Choose three.&#41;<br>A. Make sure that the network server can be accessed.<br>B. Check that the authentication for access is set.<br>C. Ensure that the network server has adequate space for the code image.<br>D. Verify any file naming and path requirements.<br>E. Make sure that the server can load and run the bootstrap code.<br>Answer: A, C, D<br>16,QUESTION NO: 41(原题问的是防止routing looping的是那个,答案也是D. Split horizon E. Hold-down timers。另外还有四个:最大值法、触发更新以及路由毒杀和反转路由毒杀)<br>Your boss is concerned about routing loops with the use of distance vector routing protocols such as RIP and IGRP in your network you would like to ensure him that there are mechanisms used to prevent the possibility of a routing loop. Which of the following are examples of this mechanism? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. Link-state advertisement &#40;LSA&#41;<br>B. Spanning Tree Protocol.<br>C. Shortest path first tree.<br>D. Split horizon.<br>E. Hold-down timers.<br>Answer: D, E<br>17,QUESTION NO: 43(OSI的7层模型最好能知道功能是什么以及典型的例子是什么)<br>You just finished installing a new operating system on a computer located in the accounting department.<br>You would like to verify the network configuration from the new computer so you establish FTP<br>connection to a remote TFTP server. Which layer of the OSI model did you use for this operation?<br>A. Application<br>B. Presentation<br>C. Session<br>D. Transport<br>E. Data link<br>F. Internet<br>Answer: A<br>18,QUESTION NO: 45<br>You have installed a new PC to your access layer switch. You have configured the IP address, subnet<br>mask, default gateway, and DNS settings. You have verified that the information you have entered is<br>correct and that the proper cable was used however this PC is unable to access devices that are connected<br>to the same switch. What is the likely cause of this problem?<br>A. The router lacks a routing table entry for the new host.<br>B. The host switch port is assigned to the incorrect VLAN.<br>C. The host MAC address is incorrectly configured.<br>D. A VTP instance for the new host has not been installed.<br>Answer: B<br>19,<br>QUESTION NO: 48<br>To perform password recovery on a Cisco router you have to modify which of the following? &#40;Choose<br>two.&#41;<br>A. Nvram<br>B. Configuration register<br>C. Boot flash<br>D. Cmos<br>E. Flash<br>Answer: A, B<br>20,QUESTION NO: 49(router /switch的启动顺序要知道,尤其是路由器,一般也是必考的。)<br>You just purchased a brand new Cisco 2621 router. By default when the router boots which search<br>sequence does it use to locate the IOS software?<br>A. Flash, TFTP server, ROM<br>B. NVRAM, TFTP server, ROM<br>C. ROM, Flash, TFTP server<br>D. ROM, NVRAM, TFTP server<br>Answer: A<br>21,QUESTION NO: 51<br>Which of the following are true about connection-oriented network servers? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. Non-reliable<br>B. Reliable<br>C. Less bandwidth-intensive<br>D. Handshaking<br>Answer: B, D<br>22,QUESTION NO: 52<br>You have been hired as a consultant to troubleshoot the company’s network. You issue the debug ip rip<br>command to troubleshooting the rip network. You notice your Ethernet interface shuts down.<br>Which update message is seen in your routers debug ip rip output regarding that network?<br>A. Subnet, metric 0<br>B. Subnet, metric 1<br>C. Subnet, metric 15<br>D. Subnet, metric 16<br>Answer: D<br>23,QUESTION NO: 55<br>You purchased a router from an online auction and you are unable to login to privileged mode because<br>the router has been configured with a password. You need to perform password recovery. One of the<br>first steps in performing password recovery is recording the current configuration register setting from<br>user mode. What is the command to view the configuration register?<br>A. Show register.<br>B. Show flash.<br>C. Show boot.<br>D. Show version.<br>Answer: D<br>24 QUESTION NO: 58<br>Which show commands can you use to identify the local DLCI number? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. Show frame-relay local-dlci<br>B. Show frame-relay pvc<br>C. Show frame-relay dlci<br>D. Show frame-relay map<br>E. Show ip route<br>Answer: B, D<br>25,OSI的Network layer 对应在TCP/IP中的叫做Internet layer&#40;不是叫Network layer ,这题好象选C::Internet layer,D:是Network layer(错误!!)&#41;.<br>26,QUESTION NO: 61<br>Your ISP has provided you the following class B network range Which of the following statements is true regarding this network? &#40;Choose two.&#41;<br>A. There are 254 usable hosts per subnet.<br>B. There is one usable network.<br>C. There are 255 usable hosts per subnet.<br>D. There are 254 usable subnets.<br>E. There are 30 usable subnets.<br>F. There are 62 usable hosts per subnet.<br>Answer: A, D<br>这种题目遇到好象是二、三个,分别是A/B/C类的。<br>26,QUESTION NO: 65<br>If RIP uses hop count to determine the best path what does IGRP use?<br>A. The highest metric value.<br>B. The lowest composite metric value.<br>C. The lowest hop-count and delay.<br>D. The highest bandwidth and reliability<br>E. The lowest administrative distance.<br>Answer: B<br>27,QUESTION NO: 73<br>Exhibit:(略)<br>Frame Relay switch maps the DLCIs between Router A to Router B to create a PVC. Which statement<br>below correctly identifies the reference point between the local router and the Frame Relay switch to<br>which it is connected?<br>A. Locally significant DLCI<br>B. Globally significant DLCI<br>C. Locally significant LMI<br>D. Globally significant LMI<br>28,QUESTION NO: 86<br>IP addresses use hierarchical numbering. What portion of the address that will identify the network<br>number?<br>A. Subnet Mask.<br>B. Dots between octets.<br>C. Class of first octet.<br>D. Assignments of DHCP.<br>E. Address Resolution Protocol.<br>Answer: C.<br>29,大概就是在这里,我遇到了第一个实验题,(前面的顺序不是原来的顺序啊,我可没有那么大本事给记那么清楚,人脑不比电脑啊,呵呵i还是那个router rip 的排错。题目的大体意思是:有三个路由器分别叫A、Builiding、G(就是这个意思,不是原名字了),已经配置好,但是不能连通,RIP是路由协议,S0口配时钟。<br>步骤:a、先把三个路由器的各个接口的地址写下来(建议你这样做);<br>b、show run   目的是看接口有没有地址,有没有no shut,看路由协议有没有陪全。<br>C、发现没有配全RIP所以用NETWORK X.X.X.X命令配上。<br>D、copy running-config startup-config<br>E、ping 各个接口。通了。<br>F、NEXT就行了。<br>注意点:第一,你不知道哪个上少了配置,所以你顺便登录一个就行,要是你没有发先问题,那么假定它没有问题。然后用telnet登录到相临的路由器,进行配置(一定是和你相直连的那个接口啊,别犯傻顺便乱登,你的这个路由器现在还学不到不相临的地址呢)。<br>第二,配好了先保存,免得一会你PING通了一高兴忘记了,那还不亏了。<br>第三,rip igrp 是有类路由,所以使用network命令时候不要带掩码,与子网无关主机位置要为0,比如:network而不是写成network什么的。顺便说一下,EIGRP是无类路由,但是它的NETWORK命令中也一样是和有类的一样——不带掩码不带子网。在CCNA考试中路由协议配置中只有OSPF要带掩码而且是反向掩码。<br>第四,实验题的字很小很小,就象一只蚂蚁砸一下让后让你认是什么。很不幸,大家都避免不了,没有办法靠近点就当是考古吧 :(。<br>第二实验是算子网掩码的,还是那个题目。<br>30,QUESTION NO: 88<br>Using a protocol analyzer you determine your LAN traffic is experiencing congestion. What could be<br>some possible causes for a congested network? &#40;Choose four.&#41;<br>A. Too many hosts in a broadcast domain.<br>B. Full Duplex operation.<br>C. Broadcast storms.<br>D. Multicasting.<br>E. Segmentation.<br>F. Low bandwidth.<br>Answer: A, C, D, F<br>31,QUESTION NO: 90<br>Which layer of the OSI model handles data translation, code formatting, and encryption occur?<br>A. Physical<br>B. Data link<br>C. Network<br>D. Transport<br>E. Session<br>F. Presentation<br>Answer: F<br>32,VLAN问题<br>QUESTION NO: 104<br>Exhibit:(略)<br><br>Looking at the diagram above ports 1 through 4 are assigned to VLAN1 and ports 5 through 8 are<br>assigned to VLAN3 on each switch. The switches are interconnected over an ISL trunk link.<br>Which of the following actions would test proper VLAN and trunk operation? &#40;Choose three.&#41;<br>A. Host 2-1 can ping Host 2-2<br>B. Host 2-1 can ping Host 7-2<br>C. Host 2-1 can not ping Host 2-2<br>D. Host 7-1 can not ping Host 2-2<br>E. Host 7-1 can ping Host 7-2<br>Answer: A, D, E.<br>33,QUESTION NO: 114<br>Exhibit:<br>Catalyst Switches have three primary operating modes that are used to handle frame switching Cutthrough,<br>Store-and-forward and Fragment-free looking a the frame shown in the diagram which point is<br>the store-and-forward switching decision made?<br>A. 1<br>B. 2<br>C. 3<br>D. 4<br>Answer: D<br>34,QUESTION NO: 118<br>To successfully troubleshoot LAN/WAN connectivity problems on a router which of the following commands could you use? &#40;Choose three.&#41;<br>A. Ping<br>B. Tracert (traceroute 也是的但是这个不是一个有效的命令,这个是DOS下的的命令,注意了啊。我就在这里想了一会呢:))<br>C. Ipconfig<br>D. Show ip route<br>E. Winipcfg<br>F. Show interfaces<br>Answer: A, D, F<br>QUESTION NO: 127<br>Exhibit<br>You are the network administrator of the network shown in the exhibit. You have just added a PC to the<br>network. However, the PC is unable to connect to the SQL Server computer.<br>What can be the cause of this problem?<br>A. PCs IP address.<br>B. PCs subnet mask.<br>C. PCs default gateway.<br>35,QUESTION NO: 127<br>Exhibit<br>You are the network administrator of the network shown in the exhibit. You have just added a PC to the<br>network. However, the PC is unable to connect to the SQL Server computer.<br>What can be the cause of this problem?<br>A. PCs IP address.<br>B. PCs subnet mask.<br>C. PCs default gateway.<br>D. Router interface E0 IP address.<br>Answer: C<br>36,QUESTION NO: 130<br>You have just entered the command copy running-config startup-config command to save your<br>configuration so that if the router is rebooted it will keep your configuration. Which type of router<br>memory normally stores the startup configuration?<br>A. RAM<br>B. ROM<br>C. FLASH<br>D. NVRAM<br>Answer: D<br>37,QUESTION NO: 148<br>A graphics art company located in Miami, Florida noticed that their windows size was changed from<br>3000 to 4000 during the data transfer stage of a TCP session, what can a sending host do?<br>A. Transmit 3000 bytes before waiting for an acknowledgement.<br>B. Transmit 4000 packets before waiting for an acknowledgement.<br>C. Transmit 4000 bytes before waiting for an acknowledgement.<br>D. Transmit 4000 segments before waiting for an acknowledgement.<br>E. Transmit 3000 frames before waiting for an acknowledgement.<br>F. Transmit 3000 packets before waiting for an acknowledgement.<br>Answer: C<br>38,QUESTION NO: 150<br>You are unable to connect to the company’s local tftp server using the IP address from your<br>personal computer. You would to test your personal computer to make sure the TCP/IP has been<br>corrected installed. Which one of the following actions will allow you to test the protocol stack on your<br>personal computer?<br>A. Ping<br>B. Ping<br>C. Telnet<br>D. Ping<br>E. Tracert<br>39,QUESTION NO: 155<br>The network needs to be divided into subnets where each subnet has the capacity of 458 IP<br>addresses. What would be the correct subnet mask to accomplish this division keeping the number of<br>subnets at the maximum?<br>Type the correct value in each box below.<br>Answer:<br>注:这个是我的第一个题目,我输入255.255.254.0时候,变成了266.266.264.0了,怎么输入都是,当时还不把我急死了,这可是第一个题啊!!!!后来也只好那样过去了,也不知道是不是上面字太小的缘故。<br><br>40,QUESTION NO: 164(好象有)<br>What does ISL trunking protocol use to identify the VLAN membership of a frame over trunked links?<br>A. Frame filtering with VLAN ID<br>B. Frame tagging with VLAN ID<br>C. Frame filtering with trunk ID<br>D. Frame tagging with trunk ID<br>E. Frame filtering with VTP port ID<br>Answer: B<br>41,QUESTION NO: 185<br>You are the network administrator of the ABC Tire Company. You receive a call from a user who is<br>unable to reach a server at a remote server Using VNC &#40;Virtual Network Computing&#41;<br>you connect to the user’s computer and discover the following information:<br>Local PC –<br>Default gateway –<br>Remote server –<br>You then conduct the following tests from the user’s PC:<br>ping – successful<br>ping – successful<br>ping – successful<br>ping – unsuccessful<br>Which of the following problems would create the test results listed above?<br>A. TCP/IP not correctly installed.<br>B. Local physical layer problem.<br>C. Local NIC not functioning.<br>D. Remote physical layer problem.<br>Answer: D<br>42,QUESTION NO: 191<br>You have been called in to fix a router that is having security issues. The router has an access list<br>configured on it but the list does not seem to be working. What command can you use to see if the access<br>list has been applied to an interface?<br>A. Show access-list.<br>B. Show ip route.<br>C. Show ip interface.<br>D. Show interface.<br>E. Show interface list.<br>Answer: C<br>43,QUESTION NO: 197<br>To configure RouterTK for operation in a Frame Relay environment, one of the recommended items to configure is the IGRP metric for the speed of the link. What command should you use?<br>A. RouterTK&#40;config&#41;# IGRP metric 36k<br>B. RouterTK&#40;config&#41;# bandwidth 36<br>C. RouterTK&#40;config-if&#41;# metric 36k<br>D. RouterTK&#40;config-if&#41;# bandwidth 36<br>Answer: D<br>注:这个题目注意两个问题:一是:metric for the speed指的是bandwidth(metric的计算默认下IGRP的是用bandwidth和delay还记得吗)二是:这个命令是子接口下的,所以选D不选B。<br>44,QUESTION NO: 227<br>For security reasons you would like a system message displayed when logging into a router. Which of the<br>following allows you to create this message?<br>A. Banner MOTD<br>B. Message MOTD<br>C. Banner Message<br>D. Message Banner<br>Answer: A<br>48, QUESTION NO: 295<br>Which one of the following is true about User Datagram Protocol?<br>A. It is reliable and acknowledged.<br>B. It is unreliable and acknowledged.<br>C. It is reliable and unacknowledged.<br>D. It is unreliable and unacknowledged.<br>Answer: D<br>49,给定一个路由:ip route<br>   问:下一跳地址是什么?<br>Answer:<br>注:上面的地址是乱写的,我实在是不能回忆起来原题数值了。<br>50,QUESTION NO: 330(不一定是原题哦,这种类型你要精通!!!!要不然挂定了!!!要是你还是用的是先换算成二进制,那你要改进了,考试时候还不算死你?不会的找我啊,我教你简便的方法。原理其实你会换算成二进制就已经会了。)<br>Identify three valid host addresses in the network with a subnet mask of<br>&#40;Choose three&#41;<br>A.<br>B.<br>C.<br>D.<br>E.<br>F.<br>Answer: A, C, D<br>51,QUESTION NO: 334<br>A Class C network address has been subnetted with a /27 mask.<br>Which of the following addresses is a broadcast address for one of the resulting subnets?<br>A.<br>B.<br>C.<br>D.<br>E.<br>F.<br>Answer: E<br>53,QUESTION NO: 345<br>Which of the following belong to the ISDN TE2 function group? &#40;Choose two&#41;<br>A. A standard PC.<br>B. An ISDN phone.<br>C. An ISDN terminal adapter.<br>D. A router serial interface.<br>E. A router ISDN BRI “U” interface.<br>Answer: A, D<br>注:关于ISDN的TE1,TE2,NT1 TA等概念似乎也是必考的,希望能好好理解,看看书上的三副图,实际上就是考那三个。<br>54,QUESTION NO: 346<br>Five minutes after issuing the show running-config command, a technician enters the command again<br>and notices that several access list statements have been altered. Because of this, the technician believes<br>that the router is being configured by an unknown person through Telnet. Before changing the router<br>passwords, the technician would like to discover if anyone is connected to the router by Telnet and stop<br>them from making further changes.<br>Which commands will accomplish these options? &#40;Choose two&#41;<br>A. show hosts<br>B. show sessions<br>C. show connections<br>D. disconnect<br>E. CTRL+SHIFT+6x<br>F. exit<br>Answer: B, D<br>57,QUESTION NO: 358<br>New switches have been purchased for a network upgrade. The objective for the network design<br>emphasizes efficient, error-free transport instead of fast transport.<br>Which switching mode should be configured on the new switches to provide error-free transport to the<br>network?<br>A. cut-through<br>B. fragment-free<br>C. frame-filtering<br>D. store-and-forward<br>E. 802.1q forwarding<br>F. VTP transparent mode<br>Answer: D<br>58,QUESTION NO: 360<br>Which command is used to display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on a router?<br>A. show access-list<br>B. show ip route<br>C. show ip interface<br>D. show interface<br>E. show interface list<br>F. show ip interface brief<br>Answer: C<br>59,配置好rip路由协议后,看rip的更新情况的命令:debug  ip  rip。<br>60,如果远程路由器不支持反向ARP,或者使用路由选择时想要控制流量怎么进行DLCI表的映射?(选择题)<br>  Answer:router&#40;config-if&#41;#frame-relay map<br>61,显示frame-relay 的映射的两条命令:(选择题)<br>          show frame-relay map<br>          shoe frame-relay pvc<br>62,IOS的加载问题。路由器启动后无论输入什么命令都说没有该命令。原因?<br>A:<br>B:IOS image is delete or ——<br>C:<br>D:RAM is corrupted<br>注:这个题可能有的朋友考试时候有选项是ios image is corrupted,所以我做这个题目时候差点误选了D选项,但是,B的表达才是对的。请一定注意!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br><br>63,VLAN2中的机器想与VLAN3中的机器通信,怎么办?<br>   A:routed <br>   B:&#40;忘记了&#41;<br>   C:(忘记了)<br>   D:share enable <br>Answer:A.<br>  注:关于这个题目,有的考生中没有routed这个选项,那就选D吧。有routed这个选项一定就是它了,没有任何怀疑。我看到有好几个的考生中routed这个选项是在B中出现的,但是我的确实是在第一个选项中出现的,我当时很留心!!它在哪里出现不重要,只要出N,它肯定是首选!<br>63:这个题还是子网掩码的问题。我特意在最后提出来,一是因为它重要一是想请有关朋友进行把原题补充出来。<br>图是:      router1&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;-router2<br>   |                          |<br>               |                          |<br>            switch1                   switch2<br>               |                          |<br>               |                          |<br>         &#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;-               &#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;<br>         |           |               |            |<br>        pc1         pc2             pc3          pc4      <br>问题好象是问所有的pc都配置正确为什么switch1下的pc不能和switch2下的pc通信。<br>注:这个题的图我画的是正确的,但是叙述,我已经很努力了,实在是想不起来了。请各位把子网划分和(算或者不算0自网)有几个可用子网以及各自范围的可用和广播地址的问题弄个清清清清楚楚楚楚!!!!!<br>到这里我考的题目我敢说基本都回忆出来了,而且已经努力试着找到了原题,除了子网划分的几个不一定是(但类似)。<br>弄了整整一个下午,现在都快21点了,去得去吃饭了。又累又饿啊!!!!!<br>各位多看书啊,然后做做比较权威的题如testking,然后再看书,实验也要做,不要给你个命令你都不知道怎么是干什么的更不知道有没有这条命令。<br>No textbook can take the place of practical experience!命令敲敲你就记得了,更知道是干什么的。<br><br>对了,说一下,我喜欢网络安全,但是没有钱买资料,希望看过这个帖子的网友门能推荐一些CIW教材、录象以及幻灯片的下载的地方。谢谢!!<br><br>最后祝各位兄弟高分通过!!!!!!!
发表于 2004-8-16 08:33:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-16 12:43:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-17 03:30:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-17 06:15:16 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-19 07:10:57 | 显示全部楼层
证书只是一张纸。。。<br><br>只是不想踏上Cisco这条路的新人有错误的观点;<br><br>只是不想他们到找工作的时候再来抱怨什么,甚至。。。<br><br>哈哈。。。<br><br>[em1] <br>
发表于 2004-8-19 17:09:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-20 02:49:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-18 18:04:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-8-19 01:45:55 | 显示全部楼层
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