本帖最后由 SPOTO-CS 于 2013-3-1 14:34 编辑
2月18日新春刚过,SPOTO思博就收到了一份来自异国的喜报,越南思科的员工H.D在布鲁塞尔通过CCIE LAB,激动之余第一时间给老师们发来了感谢邮件分享他的喜悦。 2012年H.D由学员推荐报名参加了CCIE远程培训课程。上海的TS Eric老师(Eric,就是传说中的大叔)和CS Yoyo老师用他们特有的敬业、细致耐心的教学风格赢得了远在千里之外的H.D的信任和敬重,仅用半年时间就帮助他收获了CCIE #3825X证书号,SPOTO思博用专业成就了又一个未来。 下面和大家一起分享一下H.D邮件,也预祝即将参加考试的亲们顺利通关,再传捷报! Dear Shawn, Alex, Eric and Yoyo I just back home from Brussels, it is my great pleasure to give my big thanks to all your hard-work in supporting me to get my CCIE number. Your lab facility is really good and helps me improve my hands experience for passing lab. Above all, I would like to convey my special thanks to Eric, one of the best instructors I've known. Eric have been working really hard for helping student like me. I think we already make good friends. CCIE is just the beginning on the long career life, I definitely trust your offerings. Once again, many thanks to all of you. Wish you guys a happy new year. If you guys have a chance to visit Hanoi sometime, please let me know. I will bring you to some beer. Cheers! CCIE #3825X -------------------------------------------------- H.D Systems Engineer Cisco System |