Keep It Simple Stupid , His name is Linux ...
Arch linux is a bleeding edge Linux distribution , is aims to keep computer working as simple as possible , In fact its philosophy is summarized in the acronym KISS Keep It Simply Stupid. But do not think that because it is simple it is not powerful, Arch Linux can perform as Desktop, LAMP, firewall, router, cache server, or any other task you may want, while keeping it simple.
installation of a basic system is really easy ,and it can be performed from CD or USB and from the media or from the network, once you finish the installation, you will end up with a console screen in a very basic system. At this point you can start tuning your Arch Linux to perform the task or tasks you want it for.
does not this way demand more job from your part, than with other distributions like CentOS, Fedora or Ubuntu?, the answer is yes, but you will end up with no extra daemons, no extra software besides the one you really need to meet your needs. Yes, once again “keep it simple.”.
Arch Linux does not suggest the use of any Desktop or window manager like Gnome or KDE over any other, so it is fully up to the user the choice of what to install and use.( and i chose XFCE4)
about the softwares ( ) :
Chromium >>an attempt at creating a safer, faster, and more stable browser
gftp >>A multithreaded ftp client for X Windows
tftpgui >>graphical interactive TFTP server written in Python , install within yaourt -S tftpgui
Audacious >>Lightweight, advanced audio player focused on audio quality
Terminal >>Terminal Emulator
Screenshot >>Take pictures of your screen
Diagram Editor >>A GTK+ based diagram creation program
RecordMydesktop >>Produces a OGG encapsulated Theora/Vorbis recording of your desktop
Bluefish Editor >>A powerful HTML editor for experienced web designers and programmers
Wireshark >>A free network protocol analyzer for Unix/Linux and Windows
Wicd >>Wired and wireless network manager for Linux
Docky >>an advaced shortcut bar that sits at the edges of your screen
Chmsee >>A chm (MS HTML help file format) viewer based on xulrunner
medit >>A gtk text editor
SMplayer >>A complete front-end for MPlayer
GIMP >>GNU Image Manipulation Program
LibreOffice >>Word Processor Application
VirtualBox >>Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use
Screenshot Here is how my Arch Linux looks like in my Laptop.
Style: TrueMac (icons: Tango, font: wenquanyi 10). Compositing via Xfwm4.
Interface: Docky, , Conky, xfce4-panel (small,transparent,autohide for systray purposes only -)
I have 2 conkys
there should be cpubar in the first one but i found fn+f9 shortcut kind of handy.
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