本帖最后由 kkingkill 于 2010-5-8 10:16 编辑
2010.5.8晚23:45,刚把上海CCIE机架全面升级到3640平台,回到办公室,听发哥说CISCO CCIE webEX会议已经开始了,才意识到忘记此事!
最重要一个好消息就是CCIE RS和Voice 5月10号后取消CK,这对CCIE candidate无疑是莫大的好消息!
News that everyone has been expecting eagerly: Effective May 10th Cisco is taking the core knowledge section off the CCIE R&S and Voice lab exams! Over a year of existence, this part of the exam received most controversy of all. There has been a lot of things said about how flawed the idea of core knowledge testing was. Firstly, a test of four questions could never properly assess anyone’s knowledge. Secondly, error margin was unacceptable high due to vaguely presented questions and unclear grading procedure. Lastly, some recent promo actions that Cisco ran created a lot of controversy in the CCIE community. However, good or bad, it’s all gone now, and this fact should be a huge relief for many CCIE candidates. The time that has been previosly allocated to OEQs is now reallocated to the Configuration section, so you now have extra 30 minutes of configuration time.
What next? Hopefully, Cisco has a plan to deal with those who failed Core Knowledge before that change, but passed the Configuration section. Also, we sincerely hope Cisco would introduce more “fine-grained” procedures to thwart brain-dumpers and preserve the exam integrity. Plus, we still have to see Troubleshooting added to SP and Security tracks and OEQ(open-end questions)eliminated there as well. We shall see!
Per Cisco’s information, previous attempts that failed OEQ section solely will be re-graded.
** to the CCIE Lab Question Format
Beginning May 10, 2010, CCIE R&S lab exams in all global locations will no longer include the four, open-ended Core Knowledge questions. The total lab exam time will remain eight hours. CCIE R&S candidates will begin with the 2-hour Troubleshooting section, followed by a 6-hour Configuration section. |