<P><FONT size=6>A new VLAN needs to be created for an existing network. Which of the following<BR>are the minimum tasks that must be accomplished in order to create the new<BR>VLAN? (Select three answer choices)<BR>A. The VLAN must be created<BR>B. The VLAN must be named<BR>C. An IP address and subnet mask must be configured for the new VLAN<BR>D. The desired ports must be added to the new VLAN<BR>E. The VLAN must be added to the existing VTP Domain</FONT></P><P><FONT size=6></FONT> </P><P><FONT size=6>答案ABD</FONT></P><P><FONT size=6>VLAN默认不是已经有名字了吗??为什么这题还选b</FONT></P><p>[此帖子已被 single 在 2005-8-14 22:38:08 编辑过] <P>可是,这题TK,答案有争议,到底要不要选呢?千分战报又说不选!!!<IMG src=""></P> <P>偶觉得不要选可以,她只是说在现在系统中建立一个VLAN所要做的步骤,给VLAN命名不是一个强制步骤,只要咱们建好VLAN,把端口加进去就可以工作了。同时题目还说最少的步骤。</P> <P>这个主要看题目要求选几个!如果是最少配置,就不用选命名VLAN,没有命名也能很好的工作!</P>