今天看BSCI中关于自动路由汇总的内容,上面说到在WAN中使用自动汇总会无法识别路由。<br>具体的例子:<br>router a通过WAN could与router b相连,网络地址是172.16.0.0,router a使用了自动路由汇总,书上说是,the devices in the WAN cloud will not know which adertisement to believe<br>由于是英文的,有些地方看不明白,LD(^_^spoto密语)帮忙啊~ 呵呵,题目不是很明白啊。可能是由于汇总的网络太大,导致无法到达。请说得详细些。 书上是这么说的:<br>In the VLSM section of this chapter,we discussed how route summarization in discontiguous networks could cause some hosts to become unreachable,as we saw in figure .If both RouterA and RouterB are sending out advertisements to the WAN cloud advertising tant they are the path to network 172。16。0。0/16,then devices in the Wan cloud will not dnow which advertisement to believe.<br><br>router a通过WAN could与router b相连,a,b是属于172.16.0.0/16子网的<br><br>我连他说的是什么问题都看不懂