What is a global command?<br>a A command that is availbale in every release of IOS,regardless<br>of the version or deployment status.<br>B A command that can be entered in any configuration mode<br>c A command that is universal in application and supports all protocols<br>D A command that is implemented in all foreign and domestic IOs version<br>e a command taht is set once and affects the entire router. :)又对了 我觉得应该选e 我觉得选B 我好不容易才搭建好的,就这么被人破坏了?呜呜~不成,我要请保镖看守机房,闲人免进<br><br>呵呵,这样才能锻炼大家的故障排错能力。 呵呵,cwav基础还是很扎实的。<br>这道题大家做做实验就知道了。:) 呵呵,没事,不过,来参加Bootcamp实验集训的时候,先再次重新看一下CCNA全部内容,有些人都开始准备参加实验集训前的知识再补充了。:) 啥~!等待别人来破坏??谁这么没事干专破坏别人的好事?:)<br>我好不容易才搭建好的,就这么被人破坏了?呜呜~不成,我要请保镖看守机房,闲人免进 什么叫参加“集训前的知识再补充”?新的培训班么?我要怎么参加?<br>NA的书借给我朋友了,现在他手机丢了,人都找不到,汗~算了,凭记忆了,幸好我有笔记<br>bootcamp什么时候上? 赞成E