TWW5252525 发表于 2010-5-18 22:33:31

2010新版CCNP TSHOOT 642-832 Cert Kit官方教学视频(英文)

本帖最后由 TWW5252525 于 2010-5-20 19:52 编辑


CCNP TSHOOT 642-832 Cert Kit: Video, Flash Card, and Quick Reference Preparation Package

* By Kevin Wallace, Brent Stewart, Eric Rivard.
    * Published by Cisco Press.

    * Published: Apr 6, 2010
    * Copyright 2010
    * Dimensions: 7-1/2 X 9-1/8
    * Pages:
    * Edition: 1st

DescriptionSample Content
Product Description

CCNP TSHOOT 642-813 Cert Kit is a best of breed late-stage preparation package that brings together three self-study tools into one value-priced package. The Network Troubleshooting Video Mentor contains 20 individual videos (with a total of about six hours of instruction) that demonstrate how to accomplish some of the most common troubleshooting tasks on Cisco routers and switches, and shows you how to verify that the network is working correctly. The CCNP TSHOOT Quick Reference provides you with detailed graphical-based information, highlighting only the key topics on the CCNP TSHOOT exam in cram-style format. This fact-filled Quick Reference allows you to get all-important information at a glance, helping focus on areas of weakness and enhance memory retention of important concepts. The CCNP TSHOOT Cert Flash Cards Online provide a concise review of all objectives on the CCNP TSHOOT 642-813 exam. This online exam preparation tool consists of a custom flash card application loaded with more than 300 total questions that test your skills and enhance retention of exam topics. The Flash Cards are available in both desktop and mobile formats.


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**** Hidden Message *****

642-813 Switch下载请见:
642-902 Route下载请见:


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hj2003 发表于 2010-5-18 23:59:58


xiaoxiaobaixxx 发表于 2010-5-19 00:54:20


TWW5252525 发表于 2010-5-19 00:54:56


drnszgy 发表于 2010-5-19 04:07:44


林原静羽 发表于 2010-5-19 13:25:50


doj1978 发表于 2010-5-19 13:30:16


xsj27 发表于 2010-5-19 16:06:32


asdbb 发表于 2010-5-19 16:16:19


styuxm 发表于 2010-5-20 07:49:21

2010新版CCNP TSHOOT 642-832 Cert Kit官方教学视频(英文)
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