20. Refer to the exhibit. Routers R1 and R2 are running EIGRP and have converged. On the basis of theinformation that is presented, which statement is true?
A. All outgoing routing **s ** router R1 to router R2 will be suppressed, but the inbound **s will
continue to be received.
B. All incoming routing **s ** R2 will be suppressed, but the outgoing **s will continue to be sent.
C. Both outgoing and incoming routing **s on R1 will be stopped because of the passive-interface Serial0/0
configuration statement.
D. Both outgoing and incoming routing **s on R1 will be permitted because the distribute-list 20 out
Serial0/0 command cannot be used with association with the outgoing interface.
Answer: C
书上好像说passive-interface使接口进入被动状态,虽然不能发送更新,但是能接受。这里为什么选C? 管理员呢?赶紧把楼上的ID给封了!!!!!!!!!-- 怎么都没人回复啊?-- 原帖由 qujie1030 于 2008-4-29 10:43 发表 http://www.spoto.net/bbs/images/common/back.gif
谢谢,已封; 像OSPF,EIGRP之类的routing protocol.这一种路由协议的特点是会与对方router建立关系,也就是说router之间会建neighbor,所以,一旦用了passive -interface之后,你就断开了router之间的关系.
因为no relationship, no **.因此,所有的**送不出去,介是也收不进来.
RIP和IGRP.这一种routing protcol的特点是不会与对方router建立关系.所以,router是每隔一段时间就会发生只听不送的状况. 换句话说,只要routing protocol的process还在运行,routing **还是可以接收信息,只不过因为passive-interface指令的关系,**会送不出去,所以如果要阻止**送进 router中,还要加上distribute-list平当incoming **. 如果你用PACK 4,请加QQ352221763 噢!这样啊!!学习啊!! -- -- EIGRP 开启passive-interface后,双向都不能收发...
这个NA课程上貌似就已经讲过了吧... 像EIGRP和OSPF,需要通过hello包建立邻居关系,设置为被动接口后,无法保持邻居关系