本帖最后由 linda.! 于 2011-6-16 17:52 编辑
1、Which three are acteristics of an IPV6 anycast address?(choose three)
A.any-to-many communication model
B.delivery of packets to the group interface that is closest to the sending device
C.one-to-many communication model
D.the same address for multiple devices in the group
E.one-to-nearest communication model
F.a unique IPV6 address for each device in the group 答案 BDE
A 多对多通信模型
B 数据包传送到该组接口,转发到最近的节点
C 一对多通信模型
D 同组中多个接口共用一个地址
E 发送到任播地址的分组被转发到最近的端口(节点)
F 组中每个节点有一个唯一的IV6地址(每台设备可以有一个以上的端口,所以用节点来表示) 2、Which name describes an IPV6 host-enable tunneling technique that uses IPV4 UDP,does not require dedicated gateway tunnels,and can pass through existing IPV4 NAT gateways?
A.dual stack
D.Manual 6to4 答案 C
Teredo 是一项 IPv6/IPv4 转换技术,能够实现在处于单个或者多个 IPv4 NAT 后的主机之间的 IPv6 自动隧道。来自 Teredo 主机的 IPv6 数据流能够通过 NAT,因为它是以 IPv4 UDP 数据格式发送的。如果 NAT 支持 UDP 端口解析,那么它就支持 Teredo 。
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